My name is Miguel Ángel. I am a Mexican transplanted to Toronto, and I love to share my love of Mexican food.
Mexican Food in Toronto
When I first came to Toronto over 30 years ago, there weren't very many authentic Mexican restaurants, let alone places where you could find Mexican ingredients. The first place we used to go to was a restaurant called Chi Chi's, which always made us snicker. ("Chichis" means "boobs" in Mexican Spanish.)
Slowly, restaurants started to open up and introduce Mexican food to Torontonians, starting with staple dishes like mole and tacos. Similarly, as more Central Americans arrived in Toronto, and later more Mexicans, the availability of authentic ingredients grew.
Now, there are over 30 authentic restaurants spread around many parts of the GTA, and the list of dishes is quite varied. It is also ever easier to find Mexican ingredients. Now, it is possible to find and even make a lot of dishes in the Mexican cuisine repertoire.
Restaurant Recommendations
When people find out I was Mexican, they always asked for good places to get Mexican food in Toronto. Eventually, I came up with a list of restaurants and what I thought were the best dishes for each place. I would update the list to reflect restaurant closings or openings, or change in menu. Eventually, I thought it would be easier to keep the information online, which would also make it accessible to more people. Thus, Mex y Tor Food was born.